Fx Photo

A lesson that I thoroughly enjoyed. I have always wondered how on earth people edit pictures so well. And I wished that I knew how so that I can do so. My long awaited question has been answered in this lesson. The fifth week was on FxPhoto. I love this software. We were told to download the software before the class. The lesson started and we found out that ma’am was actually not feeling well. Even then, she made it to our class, I was very touched by her concern for us and I admire her perseverance. She asked us to venture through the software and come up with our ‘masterpiece(s)’. I had a wonderful time trying out and made my masterpiece which I am very proud of and satisfied with. Even ma’am praised me for a good job done. I was very happy. This is my masterpiece......

This is before editing. How do you like it? I just love it so much. The editing picture symbolizes a very harmonious feelings and purity. Love the Purple colour and the white tooo...... That is all for the time being friends. There are more to come.....


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